Thursday, 5 September 2013

Remembrance .....

This is not mine. I read it somewhere.  ....People don’t remember us for what we have done to ourselves, or achieved, or made ourselves into. (If anything, they smirk after sometime.) They really remember us for what we have done for them..... 

Hmm…  Good one. 

This need not be confused with altruistic leanings. You may still continue to achieve for yourself what you might. It’s for your own remembrance and deriving a sense of happiness out of it. What you do for others, or their perception of what gets done for them, is for their remembrance of what has happened. Here’s the rub. Is the objective behind what you do for others, meant for your own remembrance, or is it for your expecting them to remember? Those others will remember anyway, more out of gratitude than anything else, but if your objective is also their remembrance alone, then it is neither out of self-interest nor altruistic. It is self-centeredness. 

Quite slippery. But you got to hold on strong.