prepares you for the final exit.
as it prepared you in your first ten years to grapple with the physical world
around you, and in the next twenty years, to fend for yourself, and in the next
forty years to figure out why you are in this world in the first place, just so
when the final exit comes, in the few years before that, nature will prepare
you for the exit, and this point of time may vary from person to person, but
surely nature knows the time, and you should thank nature for that, for imagine
if nature were not to so prepare you, how difficult it would be for you to
leave what you always mistook your life as heaven on earth.
what is this nature? It’s you yourself, stupid! Your waning life and the yo-yo
of your desires which dry out at the very end of your life and so you tend to
become as they say ‘philosophical’, or ‘spiritual’, or ‘suddenly enlightened’,
or ‘peacefully internalised’ to name a few situations.